In this chapter, the researcher presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations.
study is all about the leadership styles and performance effectiveness
of DMMA College of Southern Philippines, Davao City. It specifically
aimed to determine the leadership styles ascribed
by the managers of the college as perceived by the respondents and the
level of performance effectiveness of the employees in terms of:
employee development; employee efficiency; job satisfaction; and stable
policies and programs. This study likewise determined the respondents’
demographic profile and whether there is a significant difference in the
performance effectiveness of the teaching and the non-teaching staff of
the college. It also aimed to know if there is a
significant relationship between the leadership styles of the managers
and the performance effectiveness of the employees and whether the
leadership styles of the managers influence the performance
effectiveness of the employees of the college.
This research is anchored on the theory known as the path-goal theory which is a leadership theory in the field of organizational studies developed by House in 1971 and was revised in 1996 and on the functional leadership theory introduced by McGrath in 1962.
this research focused on the seven types of leadership styles developed
by various scholars and professionals namely Lewin in 1939, Greenleaf
in 1977, Hersey in early 1970s, Blanchard in early 1970s, Weber in 1947
and Burns in 1978.
correlational research method or quantitative research method was used
in this study to measure the relationship between different variables
and to gather information on existing groups. Mean,
frequency counts and percentages, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson Product Moment
Correlation and Regression Analysis were the statistical tools used for
the analysis of the data.
The findings of the study are summarized as follows:
is an equal number of respondents in terms of gender, most of them are
BS graduates with Master’s Degree units and most are among the employee
category of teaching staff.
study revealed that the respondents’ perception on their managers’
leadership styles are both servant leadership and situational leadership
which have the highest weighted mean score among the seven leadership
styles. It also shows that among the four
indicators in the performance effectiveness of the employees, the item
stable policies and programs got the highest weighted mean score.
study also revealed that there is no significant difference in the
performance effectiveness of the employees when grouped according to the
employee category of teaching and non-teaching staff. Furthermore,
it indicated that there is a significant relationship between the
leadership styles ascribed by the managers and the performance
effectiveness of the employees of DMMA College of Southern Philippines. Finally, it confirmed that the leadership styles of the managers influence the performance effectiveness of the employees of the college.
Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concludes that based
on their perception, the respondents revealed that the managers of the
college ascribe both the servant leadership and situational leadership
in dealing with their employees and subordinates.
The research also confirms that
among the four indicators in the performance effectiveness of the
employees, the item stable policies and programs got the highest
weighted mean which reveals that the employees are confident that the college has stable policies and programs.
study also reveals that there is no significant difference in the
performance of the employees of the college when grouped according to
the employee category of teaching and non-teaching staff.
reveals that there is a significant relationship between the leadership
styles ascribed by the managers and the performance effectiveness of
the employees of DMMA College of Southern Philippines.
Furthermore, it reveals that the leadership styles of the managers influence the performance effectiveness of the employees of the college.
the study reveals that the leaderships styles that are mostly ascribed
by the managers of the college results to the favorable performance
effectiveness of the employees since the respondents perceive that the
employees of the college receive professional trainings such as
seminars, workshops, and forums for the development of their skills and
knowledge; they perceive that the employees of the college display
excellent quality of work; they perceive that the employees are
knowledgeable of the policies and guidelines to be followed for the
office or college operations; and that the management provides
environment that promotes harmonious relationship among peers and
between subordinates and superiors.
Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are forwarded:
1. That
DMMA College of Southern Philippines administration maintain and
sustain their encouraging performance regarding their leadership styles
and management skills in dealing with their employees and subordinates
and that the managers of the college continue their trust, support and
confidence in their employees and subordinates;
2. That
DMMA College of Southern Philippines administration qualify leaders not
only in terms of educational attainment and competency but also in
terms of attitudes, behaviors and leadership skills that could affect
the performance effectiveness of the employees or of the students.
3. That
the faculty members and staff of the college maintain and sustain their
high level of performance effectiveness in doing their assigned tasks
and that they would further upgrade their knowledge, skills and
capabilities and enhance their performance efficiency within the
organization to produce good future leaders in the society.
4. That
the student leaders and the entire studentry maintain and sustain their
high performance effectiveness in doing their social responsibility in
the institution specifically in the areas of leadership and performance.
5. That
a further study regarding the relationship between the leadership
styles of the managers and the performance effectiveness of the
employees of the college be conducted in the future; and finally,
6. That
a comparative study on the leadership styles of the managers and the
performance effectiveness of the employees of the different colleges and
universities here in Davao City be undertaken in the future.
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